Thread lifts

Thread lifts - Studio Aesthetica

A thread lift is an a relatively quick, minimally invasive procedure that aims to lift and tighten the skin on the face, neck and jowls with absorbable threads. This procedure rejuvenates your appearance without having surgery. The threads are absorbed by the body in which they stimulate collagen production and have a long-lasting lifting effect. Sometimes fillers are used in conjunction with a thread lift to address volume loss and create a more lifted, sculpted look.  

Threads are surgical sutures that contain anchors or barbs. They are placed carefully and precisely underneath the skin to lift the skin and tissue up into position creating a youthful appearance. The thread is made from poly L lactic acid (PLLA). Once placed, they are broken down over the coming months and stimulate the bodys fibroblasts to stimulate collagen, further increasing lift and volume.

The amount of threads utilised are dependent on a number of factors such as skin quality, the degree of lifted wanted.

What happens during the procedure?

Local anaesthetic is inserted down the lines of the thread and a cannula is used to insert the threads underneath the skin, with the entry point being hidden in the hairline (where possible).

Are there any side effects?

Swelling, bruising and some discomfort are the most common side effects. Some less common implications are rippling of the skin, infection and asymmetry, thread protrusion and nervy injury.

When can I see results?

Results are visible immediately, there is minimal downtime and the threads stimulate neocollageneis (the production of new collagen in the skin) to help maintain results and improve the appearance of skin over the coming months.

What is the downtime?

Some swelling around the incision point is expected and should subside after 2-3 days. There also may be some bruising. You can return to normal duties the following day if you are feeling well. However, no exercise for four weeks.

The cost?

Pricing starts from $2000


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