Non Invasive Thread Face Lift

As a part of the ageing process, it’s natural to lose volume in the face which makes skin start to sag. A thread lift is a minimally invasive procedure where sutures placed under the skin treat sagging, effectively contouring the jawline, cheeks and brow.

Barbed threads are used in areas of laxity and jowling to produce a lift in the face creating a more youthful appearance. These threads dissolve over time promoting collagen production in the treated areas - resulting in firmer and tighter skin.

Treatment Areas

Thread lifts are a revolutionary way to give your face an instant makeover. This innovative treatment is perfect for anyone looking to revitalise their features by providing lift and definition in sagging areas of the skin. Thread lifting offers solutions with long-lasting results, whether it’s one area or multiple that requires attention.

Our thread lift services in Sydney are perfect for tightening the following areas:

  • Mid face and cheeks

  • Lower half of face

  • Nose

  • Jawline

  • Fox eye


For those looking to rejuvenate their facial features without undergoing a surgical facelift procedure, thread lifts in Sydney are an ideal alternative. This method is less invasive and provides noticeable improvements with minimal recovery time needed. Other benefits include: 

  • Results are immediate and continue to improve for up to 6 months as the skin is lifted and pulled during the thread lifting procedure

  • As the threads are barbed and embedded into the skin, this causes fibrosis. And with the formation of new collagen bundles, the quality and thickness of the skin is improved. 

  • Ideal intermediate option in between injectable facial rejuvenation and facelift surgery and an affordable alternative

  • Can be combined with other treatments like dermal fillers and/or anti-wrinkle injections for a complete non-surgical/liquid facelift or facial rejuvenation

PDO Mono Threads, or collagen stimulating threads, are used to tighten and rejuvenate skin, volumise mild hollowing without the need for dermal filler and improve the overall condition of the skin. These threads dissolve over time promoting collagen production in the treated areas - resulting in firmer and tighter skin. Results may take up to 8 weeks to be seen, and will continue to improve over time as the new collagen formation occurs at around 12 weeks with results lasting 12 months.

PDO Mono Threads

Treatment Areas
  • Mid face and cheeks

  • Lower half of face- nasolabial folds, marionette lines

  • Jawline

  • Generalised skin tightening across entire face

  • Minimally invasive & minimal downtime

  • Overall skin tightening and rejuvenation

  • Can be combined with other treatments

At our Sydney-based cosmetic clinic, we are passionate about helping people feel like their most beautiful self. Led by our medical director, Dr David Ong, Studio Aesthetica specialises in delivering a wide range of aesthetic treatments, including thread lift procedures that enhance your natural beauty. 

Our professional yet warm and caring approach to aesthetic medicine instil confidence in our patients while delivering effective results from non-surgical procedures that are carefully tailored to meet their unique facial anatomy and aesthetic goals.

At our aesthetic clinic in Sydney, Dr David Ong is dedicated to providing a holistic and tailored experience for every patient. Beyond offering the latest non-surgical treatment options like thread lifts that can give remarkable results without surgery, his passion lies in helping individuals look and feel their best with less invasive solutions.

Schedule a consultation with us today and experience the level of care and compassion Dr David Ong and his team brings to the clinic.


  • Threads are placed just below the skin’s outer layers in the area being treated. By carefully inserting and tugging on the threads, we elevate your skin for a smoother and more toned facial complexion. Once they’re in place, the absorbable threads continue to stimulate collagen production, creating a lasting lifting effect.

  • This procedure takes approximately 1 hour

  • Thread lift procedures are an effective option for those seeking to improve their appearance and reduce the signs of ageing — whether it's wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin or early jowls.

    Thread lifting is also an ideal solution for those with underlying health issues that may prevent them from undergoing a more invasive cosmetic procedure. This innovative treatment allows individuals with high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease to enjoy the same anti-ageing effects of a facelift without taking major risks.

  • At your appointment, you will have an in-depth consultation with one of our practitioners who will assess your face and come up with a treatment plan best suited to meet your aesthetic goals.

    We will take some ‘before’ photos, clean the area to be treated and apply a local anaesthetic cream to make the treatment more comfortable, where necessary.

    A small cannula or needle will be used to place lifting threads underneath the skin. This can cause some mild discomfort; however, this is tolerated well by most patients.

    Some swelling, bruising and tenderness may occur immediately after your thread lift treatment.

  • To achieve the desired results, the number of threads you need depends on the area being treated in totality. Prices start from $2000, with the cost of thread lifting dependent on the area being lifted and the number of threads used to achieve the desired results.

    Contact our clinic to learn more about the cost and pricing of thread lifts in Sydney today.

  • There is no downtime, and you can resume regular activities immediately.

  • While downtime is minimal directly after the procedure, your face may still feel tender, especially if the treatment was performed around your lower jaw. If it’s uncomfortable opening and closing your mouth, we recommend eating soft foods at this time.

    You must also remember not to wear make-up for the next 24 hours and avoid any strenuous activities for a few days.

    If you see any bruising, swelling or skin dimpling in the first week after your thread lifting, don’t be alarmed — this is normal and will subside after a few more days. If it persists, do not hesitate to contact our team or your primary care physician.

    Dr David Ong and the team at Studio Aesthetica will be on hand to provide the necessary aftercare instructions for every cosmetic procedure we offer at our Sydney clinic. Following these carefully crafted guidelines guarantees you a beautiful outcome that will last.

  • While you can expect immediate results in your skin’s texture and shape, this will continue to improve over 6 weeks to 6 months — some patients can enjoy their results from 1 to 3 years!

    Additionally, once the effect wears off, you can return and have the procedure again to continually compound the advantages of collagen stimulation that thread lifts offer.

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