Body Treatments

Fat Transfer

Fat transfer is ideal for those wanting a permanent, natural and modest contour change for the body or face. Starting with liposculpture (liposuction) from an unwanted area — such as the outer thigh, flanks or abdomen — fat is harvested and processed. Areas to be sculpted, ranging from breasts to areas of the face, are then treated with careful fat placement using specialised fine cannulas, leading to new confidence-enhancing figures. 

Fat transfer to the face is ideal to replace the volume that has been lost as we age. It can be beneficial for volumising and shaping around the eyes, jawline and cheeks, as well as helping to smooth transitions between one area of the face to the next. A key advantage of the fat transfer procedure is that it is 100% natural as it uses your own fat. It requires no incisions in the face and leaves no facial scars. 

Another advantage of facial fat transfer is that stem cells are also transferred with fat cells. Stem cells are the body's regenerative cells found in abundance within fat. They can help to regenerate the face when transferred there and lead to improvements in skin quality and a more youthful appearance.

Fat transfer to the breasts is a natural, subtle way to increase the size of your breasts while slimming another area of the body during the liposculpture process. Since the fat is transferred to the breasts using small injections, the scars are minor compared to other surgical procedures. Patients seeking fat transfer often do so to avoid inserting foreign materials into the body, especially after implant removal. 

At the core of this body treatment lies the artful technique of liposculpture. By removing excess fat from undesired areas, Dr David Ong and his medical team can slim down one area while enhancing other body features. Through this advanced process, we can harvest and carefully process the extracted fat, ensuring its purity and compatibility for subsequent re-injection.

A consultation is required to see if you are a suitable candidate for fat transfer.

Our medical team will guide and support you throughout your body treatment, ensuring your utmost comfort and satisfaction. Along with employing industry-leading safety protocols, our commitment to innovative surgical approaches allows us to deliver bespoke results that effectively resolve your aesthetic concerns. 

Liposculpture (Liposuction)

Liposculpture is an innovative, clinically-proven permanent body treatment procedure that can have a truly transformational effect on an individual’s physique. Small genetically predisposed areas of stubborn fat pockets (double chins, lower abdomen) can be difficult to remove naturally, regardless of diet and exercise. 

For those after a transformational physique, often popular pre-wedding, 360 Corset Liposuction can clinch in waistlines to accentuate beautiful hourglass curves. A consultation is required to see if you are a suitable candidate for liposuction.

This body treatment procedure is always performed in a sterile environment under general anaesthetic at an accredited day hospital. After the surgery, patients are required to wear a post-operative compression garment. They are also given detailed post-operative care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery and the best possible aesthetic outcome. While the full effect of this body treatment takes three to six months, most patients treat multiple areas in one session to reduce the overall time in theatre and in recovery. 

Whether your aim is to address your double chin, upper arms or restore your waistline, this body treatment is ideal for those seeking to permanently contour and enhance their figure. 

Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift & Breast Revision

For all breast augmentation procedures, we refer our patients to Dr David Ong.



Want to know more?

As one of
Sydney’s leading aesthetic clinics, Dr David Ong and his medical team have the expertise, knowledge and experience to safely and skillfully perform body contouring procedures and treatments that deliver transformative, long-term results. Regardless of your aesthetic goals or the areas you’d like to treat, we can help. Contact us today to book a consultation, and our medical staff will assess which cosmetic treatments or procedures will deliver the permanent results you desire. 

Our Other Treatments

Studio Aesthetica is passionately focused on facial rejuvenation tailored to your unique features using our suite of minimally invasive treatments.


Skin care treatments create radiant, subtle but impactful changes that will both preserve and enhance your natural beauty.
