Finding Relief from Hay Fever Symptoms with Haytox Treatment

Haytox Treatment  - Studio Aesthetica

For many individuals, Chronic Rhinitis or Hay Fever as it’s commonly known as, is a chronic condition with uncomfortable symptoms including runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, headaches, and tiredness. Fortunately, Studio Aesthetica offers a unique treatment called Haytox that can provide relief for those who suffer from hay fever symptoms. Keep reading to learn more about Haytox and how it can help you find relief[1] .

How Haytox Works

Haytox is a unique and innovative treatment that can provide relief for those suffering from hay fever symptoms by applying a muscle relaxant solution into the nose. Haytox works by blocking the nerve passages that respond to environmental allergens therefore halting the inflammatory response and resulting in a reduction of the onset and severity of symptoms.

Main Benefits

Here are some of the main benefits of Haytox:

  1. Relief from hay fever symptoms: The main benefit of Haytox is its ability to provide relief from the symptoms of hay fever, such as sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes.

  2. Non-invasive: Haytox is a non-invasive, pain-free treatment administered with an atomiser spray that evenly distributes the active ingredient through the nasal passage

  3. Quick and convenient: The procedure takes only 10-15 minutes to complete, and there is no downtime required.

  4. Long-lasting results: Haytox can provide relief from hay fever symptoms for up to 6 months.

  5. Safe and effective: Haytox is a safe and effective treatment that has been used by medical professionals for many years with no reported side effects.

Aftercare for Haytox

Aftercare is very straightforward, with Dr Ong advising to avoid blowing your nose and partaking in any rigorous exercise for 24 hours. You can continue to use nasal sprays and antihistamine medication for 1-2 weeks following your procedure while the Haytox is taking effect.  We recommend a second treatment at the 2 to 4 week mark for individuals who experience moderate to severe symptoms.

Studio Aesthetica Patients Report Great Results

Haytox is an excellent treatment option for those looking to find relief from the symptoms of hay fever with many patients at Studio Aesthetica experiencing great results. If seasonal allergies and hay fever are negatively affecting your life Haytox may be for you!


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