How Profhilo Can Help You Achieve A Youthful, Radiant Glow

How Profhilo Can Help You Achieve A Youthful, Radiant Glow

From improving skin tone and texture to stimulating collagen production to reverse common signs of ageing, Profhilo bio-remodelling injectables are the latest cosmetic solution promising to revolutionise how we treat and care for our skin. 

In this blog, we’ll unpack the benefits of this beneath-the-skin, results-driven treatment and how it works from the inside out to deliver long-term aesthetic results.

What are Profhilo bio-remodelling injectables? 

This unique injectable gel, made with the patented NAHYCO® technology, contains one of the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid — a naturally occurring substance clinically proven to deliver the hydration, nourishment and plumpness associated with youthful, glowing skin. Profhilo bio-remodelling injectables target the underlying layers of the dermis, aiming to rejuvenate and enhance firmness, tone and elasticity beyond the capabilities of topical skincare products. 

This anti-ageing injectable treatment helps to stimulate skin cell receptors to counteract skin laxity and improve skin firmness. It is a gentle and regenerative solution that improves overall skin quality, appearance and texture while delivering a potent dose of hydration. 

With two treatments required over four weeks, this no-recovery cosmetic solution offers the following skin-rejuvenating benefits: 

  • Improved skin firmness — As our collagen and elastin production declines, our skin slowly loses its laxity and firmness. Thankfully, Profhilo bio-remodelling injectables stimulate the production of these key proteins, helping to improve the appearance and severity of drooping or sagging skin. 

  • Smoother skin texture — Profhilo bio-remodelling injectables encourage the regeneration of new skin cells, helping to refine the skin’s surface so you can maintain soft, smooth and youthful-looking skin offering a lit-from-within glow. 

  • Age maintenance — Profhilo bio-remodelling injectables address common signs of ageing — such as fine lines and wrinkles —  through the biostimulation of collagen, elastin and adipocytes (fats) stem cells. 

  • Long-term results — Unlike dermal fillers — which are designed to add volume and alter the facial contours — Profhilo bio-remodelling injectables work beneath the skin to improve and enhance its natural characteristics, helping to restore natural radiance without creating a fuller appearance. 

Book your Profhilo bio-remodelling injectable treatment at Studio Aesthetica today

If you’re looking for a clinically-proven treatment to support age maintenance and boost your skin’s natural hydration, clarity, radiance, tone and texture, Profhilo bio-remodelling injectables will resolve your underlying concerns. 

As one of the leading aesthetic clinics in Sydney, Studio Aesthetica is proud to offer this non-surgical, anaesthesia-free treatment administered by Dr David Ong and his team of experienced doctors and nurses.  

If you’re interested in booking an appointment to learn more about Profhilo bio-remodelling injectables or the other cosmetic treatments we offer, contact our medical team today. 


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